10 April 2017

ST Kinetics Proposes its 120 mm SRAMS System for Brazilian Army's Guarani Mortar Carrier Variant

10 April 2017

ST Kinetics' proposal for the future mortar carrier variant of the Brazilian Army Guarani armored vehicle (photo : Army Recognition)

As Brazilian Army started receiving its first batches of VBTP-MR Guarani 6x6 armored vehicles, defence companies are already eying future variants. Among other is the mortar carrier version, for which the Singapore-based company ST Kinetics is proposing its 120 mm Super Rapid Advanced Mortar System.

ST Kinetics' 120 mm SRAMS achieves the highest continuous firing rate of up to 18 rounds per minute and is also the only system in the world with a recoil of less than 20 tonnes, enabling operations even from onboard a 4 x 4 wheeled vehicle.

Singapore Technologies Kinetics' (ST Kinetics) has developed the world's first 120 mm Super Rapid Advanced Mortar System (120 SRAMS) that is able to achieve the highest continuous firing rate of up to 18 rounds per minute. This state-of-the-art, technologically advanced weapon system has been developed specifically for rapid and close range requirements of the battlefield.

With new innovative features that are patented, the 120 SRAMS provides a multiplier effect in operations ­ having to equip current mortar batteries with less weapon systems to bring about the same amount of lethality.

Compared to existing mortar systems which can only fire up to six rounds per minute, ST Kinetics' 120 SRAMS achieves a high sustained rate of fire with its semi-automatic Ammunition Transfer System and a patented Valve System in the breech mechanism. This provides an effective vent for the trapped air, resulting in a "free-fall" of the bomb into the barrel. This signficantly reduces the projectile's in-bore travel, thereby allowing it to achieve the highest continuous firing rate of up to 18 rounds per minute.

Another feature of ST Kinetics' 120 SRAMS is its patented Cooling System, which reduces temperature build up thereby enabling continuous firing at a maximum rate. 

See full article Army Recognition

7 komentar:

  1. ini buatan Indonesia. Bukan copian punya Singapure tapi asli rancangan Indonesia .
    Rencana produksi massal 2018 dengan kaliber amunisi Mortar 81 mm.
    video ujicoba :

    Dan ini prototipe Hyunday korea:

  2. sistem pendingin aje dipatenin, buset dech si upil. kalo rrc bikin kopiannye, gimane cara ngeklaimnye yak haha!

    1. Menurut saya , Karena sistem pendingan yang baik maka bisa menembakkan 18 mortir per menit . Jadi bisa dibilang kunci keberhasilannya .
      Negara lain mungkin bisa meniru tapi tidak sistem pendinginnya. Tanpa sistem pendingin yang baik tentu rate of fire permenitnya jauh di bawah itu ,karena laras bisa sangat panas yang menyebabkan masa pakai tabung peluncur akan pendek dan ada resiko ledakan saat masih dalam peluncur jika dipaksakan. gitu kali ya ...

    2. Ada dua hal yang bekerja secara simultan yang berkontribusi dlm tingginya tingkat kecepatan tembakan...sistim pendinginan laras dan mekanisme pelepasan udara/gas panas didalam laras yang berasal dari sisa gas efek tembakan yang terperangkap dlm laras. Gas/udara panas yang terperangkap ini, seolah-olah menahan/menghambat amunisi baru yang akan masuk kerumah peluru.

      Sedangkan sistim pendinginannya sendiri menggunakan udara bertekanan tinggi yang dimix dg mist(air yang berwujud embun) yang ditiupkan kedalam laras.

  3. SRAMS can be installed on Anoa?

    1. bisa saja, kan kita jg py nich anoa versi mortir om, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj_2GBIgSdw
